Ginger is a self-created artist and an adventurer. Borne in the USA in 1949, she has lived in Britain for the last fifty years. For the first half of her life Ginger has expressed her nature through her family, marriage and the caring of their four children. She studied for eight years with the English Visionary Artist, Cecil Collins in London. He inspired his students to touch the essence of life and then allow one's own uniqueness to create the form or drawing that would capture its treasured quality.” Now she is inspired to be ‘the soul of the artist’ bringing forth artwork which speaks to us of things that touch our hearts nearly forgotten – Beauty, Peace, Kindness. Ginger says, “My journey to discover my true nature has led me to
visit many places within myself. I feel my work is a reflection of some of these places often we share on Life’s journey.”
Ginger would be pleased to hear your comments and answer any questions regarding her artwork and vision. Ginger is open for commissions. You can see more on her website, on Facebook, Submit your Artwork and join our artists @ TO BE FEATURED.